Guo Ming: Independent watchmaker and artist from Shanghai

Guoming was born at the end of the 70’s in the last century。 He is an independent watchmaker and artist from Shanghai, China.

Watchmaking Philosophy


Influenced by his father’s sewing mechanical workshop, Guoming had a passion for mechanics and chose to learn watch restoration and watchmaking. Consequently, he learned watchmaking skills from independent watchmaker master Frank Jutzi in Switzerland and joined AHCI(Académie Horlogère des Créateurs Indépendants) at 2017.

In 2012 Guoming has his studio, designing and producing unique timepieces. In the meantime, he restores precious vintage watches and clocks of all kinds. The studio serves as a practice base for the students of the watchmaking school cooperating with Geneva’s ICL organization in China.
Guoming is also a watchmaking professor at Shanghai Industrial Technical School.

The world simulated by mechanics combines the changed with the unchanged, the quiet with the bustling. It’s full of magic and requires connoisseurs to understand and appreciate.

He thinks an independent watchmaker requires 3P craftsmanship spirits(Passion, Patience, and Perseverance) and great watchmaking skills. More importantly, an independent watchmaker should have the unique aesthetic ability and philosophical thinking.

Combining ancient Swiss handcraft watchmaking skills in 18 century with age-old and profound Chinese culture is his fundamental principle. Making watches with Chinese cultural characteristics and international neoclassicism is his ultimate goal.

Although AHCI watchmaker masters like Vincent Calabrese and Svend Andersen、George Daniels、Philippe Dufour have made huge achievements, Guoming hopes to work hard and follow in their footsteps.